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Collaborative Research Seed Grants

GHI small grants and collaborative research seed grants have been paused for spring 2024.

GHI collaborative research seed grants support research activities and workshops that bring together Georgetown faculty with colleagues at other Georgetown schools, departments, and programs to share and pursue research and develop formal proposals for outside research funding. Grants of up to $15,000 will cover eligible travel and meeting expenses.  

GHI Small Grants

The GHI offers a limited number of small grants of up to $250 to colleagues who want to convene for small meetings and/or shared meals to explore interdisciplinary collaboration in particular areas within global health. For more information on GHI small grants, please email

GHI Collaborative Research Seed Grants


All full-time Georgetown faculty, across ranks and disciplines, are eligible to apply.

Special consideration will be given to collaborative applications involving more than one Georgetown faculty member, particularly across disciplines. However, submissions from individual faculty will also be considered.


Collaborative research seed grants support:

  1. The organization and execution of one- to two-day workshops that advance research projects related to global health.
  2. Research or project-related activities relating to global health and including: the generation of pilot data, the collection and preliminary analysis of research materials, or travel for collaborative activities with colleagues at other institutions.

In both workshop and research proposals:

  • Funds may be set aside to include talented students to serve as research assistants and rapporteurs, and the seed grants should result in external funding.
  • Workshop activities should culminate in at least one proposal for outside funding, and research activities should directly connect to the submission of a proposal (or proposals) for external research support. Consideration will also be given to seed grants that result in high-level publications such as a book or a series of edited articles.


Proposals will be accepted twice a year, at the beginning of the spring and fall semesters. 

Application Process

Complete the GHI Collaborative Research Seed Grant Application form which requests applicants upload a single PDF attachment with the following information.

1. One-page budget outlining how the award will be utilized, including any proposed expenses for event costs, travel, lodging, meals, and any other prospective sources of funding. U.S. government per diem rates should be applied when budgeting for travel. Economy flights only. Please include a cost center number into which funds may be transferred.

2. Abbreviated CVs (five-page maximum each) of applicants and proposed collaborators. 

3. One- to two-page proposal:

  • If submitting a research proposal: one- to two-page memo outlining how the proposed global health research activity will contribute to the scholarly achievements of the investigator(s) and the relevant academic unit(s) of the university, as well as detailed plans (including specific potential sponsors and timetables) for the submission of external funding proposals and/or high-level publications.
  • If submitting a workshop proposal: one- to two-page memo outlining the purpose, agenda, and organization of the proposed global health workshop, as well as detailed plans (including specific potential sponsors and timetables) for the submission of external funding proposals.

Decision Criteria

The GHI Faculty Committee will evaluate proposals with attention to academic merits, the breadth of Georgetown faculty participation (with preference given to those application which engage colleagues across the university), the soundness of the budget, the availability of funds, and the potential for future external funding.

The Faculty Committee will also strive to balance the amount of funding distributed for workshop and research proposals.

Notification and Execution

Awardees will be expected to work with their academic units to plan and execute the workshop or research in compliance with relevant university policies regarding travel, funding, and ethics.

Within three months of the completion of the workshop or research awardees are required to complete a GHI Grant Questionnaire outlining its execution, impact, budget expenditures, and next steps on external funding proposals. Grantees are required to share any publications which came out of their work for cross-posting on the GHI website. Faculty awarded funds may also be asked to speak at a brown bag lunch event and present on their work, its impact, and next steps.

Questions may be directed to  A list of previous awards is available here .