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Target Product Profile for Cell-based and Gene-based Therapies to Achieve a Cure for HIV
The Center for Global Health Practice and Impact's Lauren Mathae published this target product profile in the Lancet HIV as potential cell and gene therapy-based products for an HIV cure are expanding.

Cultural and Contextual Adaptation of the Solastalgia Sub-scale of the Environmental Distress Scale in Drought-affected Kilifi, Kenya
In a study published in Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, the Department of Global Health's Shabab Wahid and the School of Foreign Service's Emily Mendenhall conducted a transcultural translation and cultural adaptation of the Solastalgia subscale of the Environmental Distress Scale in Kenya.

Cultural Adaptation Process of Six Stigma Assessment Scales Among Kannada Speaking Population in South India
This article, published by the Department of Global Health's Shabab Wahid in Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, describes the cultural adaptation of six stigma scales with the purpose of using it in the Kannada language.

No Prediction Without Prevention: A Global Qualitative Study of Attitudes Toward Using a Prediction Tool for Risk of Developing Depression During Adolescence
In this article published in Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health, the Department of Global Health's Shabab Wahid assesses adolescents’ and other global stakeholders’ attitudes toward use of depression prediction tools.

Pharma's Influence on India's Global Health Engagement
The Center for Global Health Science and Security's Rebecca Katz published this article in Think Global Health about how India must balance its advocacy on behalf of developing countries with the interests of its growing domestic industry.

An Unsustainable Life: The Impact of Heat on Health and the Economy of Bangladesh
In this book, published by the World Bank, the Department of Global Health's Shabab Whaid analyzed the adverse effects of rising temperatures on physical and mental health in Bangladesh.

Equitable Access to Pandemic Products Demands Stronger Public Governance
In an article published in the Lancet, the Center for Global Health Policy and Politics's Matthew Kavanagh discusses how the slow arrival of vaccines to countries ravaged by mpox shows that the COVID-19 pandemic did not result in the structural change needed to address global inequities.

Mapping China's Health Assistance Projects Overseas
The Department of Global Health's Jennifer Bouey led a team at RAND Corporation to publish an interactive web tool that helps policymakers and practitioners easily find China's health projects around the world.

Non-Retrogression as Progress: Protecting the Right to Health Against Private Economic Interests in Uruguay and Ecuador
The Health and Human Rights Initiative's Valentina Castagnari Aznar and Silvia Serrano Guzmá published an article in Verfassungsblog reflecting on the fragility of legal interventions that threaten powerful economic interests.