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December 2, 2020

A Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine

O'Neill Colloquium Session

Showing the The Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine Video

With signs of promising efficacy among the candidate COVID-19 vaccines, the public anxiously awaits the vaccine to slow the pandemic and help restore our usual ways of life. Yet uncertainty remains on how once-approved vaccines will reach the public. Will vaccines be able to meet the global demand? How can we ensure equitable distribution so that the vaccine is accessible to those at greatest risk? 

The panelists shared their perspectives on these challenging questions and provided insight into what safe, rapid, and equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution could look like. 

The O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law and the Georgetown University Global Health Initiative co-sponsored this event as part of the O'Neill Institute Colloquium annual discussion series.


Seth Berkley has served as CEO of Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance since 2011.

Peggy Hamburg is the foreign secretary of the National Academy of Medicine and GAVI board member. She was previously a commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration.

Gregg Gonsalves is an assistant professor in epidemiology of microbial diseases at Yale Law School, as well as co-director of the Yale Law School/Yale School of Public Health Global Health Justice Partnership.

Alexandra Phelan (moderator) is a member of the Center for Global Health Science and Security and also affiliated with the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Georgetown Law.