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September 30, 2024

Book Launch: The Outbreak Atlas, by Mackenzie S. Moore and Dr. Rebecca Katz

Mosquito on a stack of papers.

Join us for the launch of the book The Outbreak Atlas by Mackenzie S. Moore (G'21) and Dr. Rebecca Katz. Written for the general public, the book explores outbreak preparedness, response and recovery through over 100 detailed case studies and visuals. Moore and Katz will share how their book offers accessible insights into essential outbreak control strategies, promoting a shared understanding of effective management practices.

The event will include remarks about outbreak responses from Dr. John N. Nkengasong, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Senior Bureau Official for Global Health and Security and Diplomacy.

This event is co-sponsored by the Mortara Center for International Studies, School of Foreign Service, and the Global Health Institute.


Mackenzie S. Moore (G'21) is a junior scientist at Georgetown’s Center for Global Health Science & Security. Her current work focuses on epidemic intelligence, pandemic preparedness and response, outbreak policy tracking and analysis, and the development of evidence-based training courses and knowledge hubs.

Dr. Rebecca Katz is a professor and director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security, and holds joint appointments in Georgetown University Medical Center and the School of Foreign Service. Since 2007, much of her work has been on the domestic and global implementation of the International Health Regulations as well as global governance of public health emergencies.

Learn More About Book Launch: The Outbreak Atlas, by Mackenzie S. Moore and Dr. Rebecca Katz