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Hanbit Joseph Lee headshot

Hanbit Joseph Lee

Medical Student in the School of Medicine

Hanbit Joseph Lee (M’27) is a medical student at Georgetown University’s School of Medicine. He graduated from Washington and Lee University in 2022 with a bachelor of science in biochemistry. He was a medical student anesthesia research fellow (MSARF) for the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) in summer 2024. As an MSARF, Lee performed and scored lung ultrasound scans to assess postoperative pulmonary complications. Lee was also a clinical research intern for Perelman School of Medicine’s Undergraduate Clinical Scholars Program (UCSP) in summer 2021, where he researched social determinants that affect health behaviors and vaccine hesitancy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease during the coronavirus pandemic. As a 2024-2025 GHI student fellow, Lee will work with Katherine Robsky and the Center for Global Health Practice and Impact (CGHPI) data team to utilize the Toucan Toco data visualization platform to create dashboards of HIV-related data for high-impact use by multiple country teams, including those in Cameroon, Eswatini, Haiti, and Nigeria.