Indira Narayanan
Department of Pediatrics
Indira Narayanan, M.D., is an adjunct professor in the Department of Pediatrics. She is a neonatologist who looked after Neonatal Intensive Care Units in India for nearly 25 years, having trained in intensive care at Queen Charlotte’s and Hammersmith Hospitals, London. She moved to the United States in 1999 to join the first U.S. Agency for International Development Global Newborn Health program, BASICS (Basic Institutionalization of Child Survival), in which she headed the newborn section for 10 years. Subsequently, she has served as a consultant to many organizations, including USAID, UNICEF, Save the Children, and University Research Co. At Georgetown University, she addresses relevant components of global health for residents in the Department of Pediatrics, fellows in the neonatal perinatal medicine program, at departmental grand rounds, and as a guest lecturer in the School of Health, for which she has also developed a one-credit course on Global Newborn Health. She is a fellow of the National Neonatology Forum, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, and National Academy of Medical Sciences (India).
International activities over 24 years in global maternal, child, and newborn health include:
- Worked in 19 countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
- Facilitated training and intervention programs at community and facility levels, as well as communication strategies and development of policies and strategies at the national level.
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