Sydney Blackston
Undergraduate Student in the School of Nursing
Sydney Blackston (N’25) is an undergraduate student in Georgetown University’s School of Nursing pursuing a bachelor of science degree in nursing with a minor in justice and peace studies. She attends Georgetown on a Navy ROTC scholarship; upon graduation she will commission into the U.S. Navy as a nurse and hopes to work abroad. While performing clinical rotations as a nursing student, she observed external conditions that affect patients’ health outcomes such as food insecurity, access to preventative care, and knowledge deficits. Along with her interest in health care equity and access, Sydney also sees correlations among these issues with climate change. As a 2023-2024 recipient of the Maeve McKean Global Health Award, Sydney plans to investigate the multifaceted layers that contribute to health care disparities among indigenous groups amidst the effects of global warming. She also served as a 2023-2024 GHI student fellow and worked with assistant professor Jessica Kritz on her projects in Ghana that address the disproportionate burden of climate change on workers in the informal sector.
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